
Post #1

I am a horror writer. That means I traffic in tales that scare, creep-out, unsettle, and entertain their readers. My horror is not cute or coy. It is about the macabre. Other themes populate my stories, but their hearts are always that genre of the bizarre, and the dreadful.

Horror is in me, boiling and spilling out all over the page whenever I write. Even when I try to write outside the corral of horror it seeps into my prose.

I am scary, creepy, and unsettling. I am not cute or coy. I love the macabre. Most of my tastes tend toward the bizarre and the dreadful. That is me. I am horror and have decided that I love that about myself.

I am not alone. There are others just like me. In no way am I the central authority in the “horror universe.” I am not even published yet. (I will be, but not yet.)

This blog is here for the purpose of chronicling my journey to get published, to get my horrors out there to the world. It is also my journey, as a writer, toward being the best I can be at what I do.

What I am putting here for everyone to see are my thoughts and personal discoveries on horror and what is happening with my career. This post is an introduction and an opportunity for you to see what this is all about.

To further that, I am making this deceleration:

I am affirming that my horror will always be about scaring, creeping out, unsettling, and entertaining.

I affirm that this blog will always be about my horror.

I affirm that I will never take all of this too seriously. I will remember this all started under the covers, with a flashlight, a paperback book, and a scared kid.

For clarity sake let me point out some things so no one gets the wrong idea.

One. I am not goth. (I don't look good in make-up.) I am not sad, depressed,or sure of the universe's unwavering existentialist cruelty.

Two. My type of horror is not about promiscuous vampire hunters who get it on with the “creatures of the night,” or most other stories of that type.

Three. I have discovered that there are horror novels that are not that much about horror. Their purpose seems to be about gaining the approval of some mythical group of intellectuals. My type of horror's singular purpose is laid out above in the second sentence of the first paragraph.

Fourth and finally, I am not going to qualify anything else I put in this blog with statements such as “in my opinion,” "IMHO," “this is just what I think,” or “I'm sure not all of 'x' (or 'x's') are like this but...” If something I put in this blog ever offends you, pisses you off or otherwise destroys your sense of inner-peace just add the following statement, in your mind's eye, to the end of whatever it was that put you in that state:

“I am sorry that your life, self esteem, and/or well-being was so fragile that the words on your computer screen were enough to blow your shit up. Maybe you should reconsider your continuing participation in this thing called the internet."

I hope that your type of horror shares something with mine. If it does, the plan is to post at least every five days. Thanks for taking the ride with me.

Macabre –adjective

1. gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible.
2. of, pertaining to, dealing with, or representing death, esp. its grimmer or uglier aspect.
3. of or suggestive of the allegorical dance of death.